Hoare Richard Colt [ 1758 - 1838 ]
English antiquarian and historian.
The eldest son of Richard Hoare, h e was descended from Sir Richard Hoare (1648-1718), lord mayor of London and founder of the family banking business, and was made a baronet in 1786 . He received an excellent education at private schools and from tutors and was brought into the family business . An ample allowance from his grandfather enabled him to pursue the archaeological studies for which he had already shown an inclination. In 1783 he married Hester, daughter of William Henry, Lord Lyttelton, and after her death in 1785 decided to make a journey to France, Switzerland and Italy. He succeeded to the baronetcy in 1787 and in 1788 made a second Continental tour, the record of his travels appearing in 1819 under the title A Classical Tour through Italy and Sicily . When, as a consequence of the changes wrought by the French Revolution, the traditional concept of the European tour lost its traditional connotations, Hoare decided to go to Wales, taking with him, as a guide, the Itinerarium Cambriae and Descriptio Cambriae of Giraldus Cambrensis, which he translated, adding notes and a biography of the author. The volume was published in 1804 and revised by T. Wright in 1863. Hoare died at Stourhead, Wiltshire, in May 1838.