Deseine François-Jacques
The Nouveau voyage d'Italie is presented as a sort of travel notebook with accurate descriptions of provinces, cities and towns, giving information on roads, routes, distances between places and the origin and foundation of cities, along with descriptions of works of art, churches, monasteries, colleges, hospitals, public and private buildings and libraries. There is no shortage of facts on the governments of the various states, names of illustrious men and the principal noble lineages.
The volumes were dedicated to Cardinal Janson-Fourbin, bishop-count of Beauvais, peer of France and Commandeur des Ordres du Roi.
The work, the fruit of numerous visits and one long stay, is not a classic account but a modern tourist guide. After a description of the routes of access to Italy and a brief presentation of Piedmont and the cities of Vercelli and Turin, the author turns his gaze on Milan, Parma, Modena and Mantua, before moving on to the state of Venice and that of the Church. Particular accent is placed on the routed from Loreto to Rome, passing through Ancona and Umbria, and on the one that runs, by sea, along the coast of Tuscany and Liguria. Numerous itineraries of artistic interest are given.