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Welcome to Plone

If you're seeing this instead of the web site you were expecting, the owner of this web site has just installed Plone. Do not contact the Plone Team or the Plone mailing lists about this.

The first thing you should do is to set up your site by visiting the Site Setup area. Become familiar with Plone by getting one of the Plone books, and make sure you look at the available add-on products and online documentation.

Quick Start

Some useful hints if you are new to Plone:

  • Access key + 4 focuses the LiveSearch field - you can start writing your search terms straight away, and have all your information at your fingertips without leaving the keyboard. For information about how to use access keys in your particular browser, see the Accessibility page.
  • Plone will automatically be displayed in the language your browser asks for. If you need more control over languages in Plone, install Plone Language Tool from the Site Setup. If you need to maintain your content in multiple languages, download LinguaPlone.
  • Workflow states are color coded if you are logged in, so it is easy to keep track of content security and visibility. Try the Site Map with color coding for a visual security inspection of your site!
  • If you prefer working with pure HTML, Structured Text or ReStructured Text markup instead of using a visual editor, you can disable it in your preferences.

More information

For more information on Plone:

The Plone Open Source Content Management System website

What's new in Plone 2.1

Plone documentation

Plone add-on products

Plone mailing lists and support forums

Available Plone books (recommended!)

Server recommendations for Plone

Plone is based on the Zope application server, and uses the Python programming language. More about these technologies:

Zope community

Python website

Are you doing something interesting with Plone? Big site deployments, interesting use cases? Tell us about it!

Thanks for using our product!

The Plone Team


Powered by Plone, the Open Source Content Management System