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Volpi, Pietro
Guida del forestiere per la città e contorni di Livorno: utile an...
Guida del forestiere per la città e contorni di Livorno: utile ancora al livornese che brama essere istruito dei particolari della sua patria
Walker Adam [1731-1821]
Ideas, suggested on the spot in a late excursion through flanders...
Ideas, suggested on the spot in a late excursion through flanders, Germany, France, and Italy, by A. Walker, lectures on experimental philosophy
Watkins Thomas
Travels through Swisserland, Italy, Sicily, the Greek islands, to...
Travels through Swisserland, Italy, Sicily, the Greek islands, to Costantinopole, vol. I
Watkins Thomas
Travels through Swisserland, Italy, Sicily, the Greek islands, to...
Travels through Swisserland, Italy, Sicily, the Greek islands, to Costantinopole, vol. II
Willyams Cooper [1762-1816]
A selection of views in Egypt, Palestine, Rhodes, Italy, Minorca,...
A selection of views in Egypt, Palestine, Rhodes, Italy, Minorca, and Gibraltar, from the original drawings, executed during a visit to those places: by the rev. C. Willyams, A.M. With a geographical and historical description to each view, in English a
Willyams Cooper [1762-1816]
A voyage up the Mediterranean in his Majesty's ship the swiftsure...
A voyage up the Mediterranean in his Majesty's ship the swiftsure, one of the squadron under the command of Rear-Admiral sir Horatio Nelson ... with a description of the battle of the Nile on the first August 1798, and a detail of events that occured su
Wright Edward
Some observations made in travelling through France, Italy &c., v...
Some observations made in travelling through France, Italy &c., vol. I
Wright Edward
Some observations made in travelling through France, Italy &c., v...
Some observations made in travelling through France, Italy &c., vol. II
Zucchini Andrea
Brani di diari di viaggi da lui fatti nel sec. XVIII, manoscritto...
Brani di diari di viaggi da lui fatti nel sec. XVIII, manoscritto, secolo XVIII
Zucchini Andrea
Saggio di un Odeporico georgico fatto per le campagne e porto di ...
Saggio di un Odeporico georgico fatto per le campagne e porto di Livorno da monsignor Andrea Zucchini, abate di Telese, e diretto a S. E. il sig. d'Italinski
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