- Grandjean de Montigny Auguste-Henri-Victor [1776-1850]
Architecture toscane, ou palais, maisons et autres édifices de la...
Architecture toscane, ou palais, maisons et autres édifices de la Toscane, mesurés et dessinés par A. Grandjean de Montigny et A. Famin, architectes, anciens pensionnaires de l'Académie de France, a Rome
- 1815
- PALAT.C.B.1.3.
- Millard John [vedi Coxe Henry]
Picture of Italy; being a guide to the antiquities and curiositie...
Picture of Italy; being a guide to the antiquities and curiosities of that classical and interesting country: containing sketches of manners, society, and customs; and an itinerary of distances in posts and English miles, best inns, &c. with a minute de
- 1815
- OLSCH.135.
- Vallardi Giuseppe [1794-1863]
Itinerario italiano o sia descrizione di viaggi LII per le strade...
Itinerario italiano o sia descrizione di viaggi LII per le strade più frequentate alle principali città d'Italia, coll'indicazione delle distanze in posta, in miglia, in ore e minuti; de' migliori alberghi... Con carte topografiche de' suddetti viaggi
- 1816
- Smith John [1749-?]
Italian scenery to the Queen's most excellent Majesty this collec...
Italian scenery to the Queen's most excellent Majesty this collection of select views in Italy is with her Majesty's gracious permission humbly dedicated by her most obedient and devoted servant e London Jan. 18. 1817. John Smith
- 1817
- OLSCH.353.