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Aynard Théodore [ 1812 - 1902 ]

After taking a degree in engineering, he worked first in France and then in Switzerland. In 1784 he became honorary inspector general as well as administrator of the hospitals in Lyons. He published several works, among them some extremely interesting ones like the Souvenirs historiques et quelques autres des personnes et de choses que j'ai vues de 1812 à 1890. No less important was the work done by Aynard on the journal of the journey to Italy made by his grandfather, Antoine Henry-Jordan, in 1787. In the book, entitled Voyage au temps jadis en France, en Angleterre, en Allemagne, en Suisse, en Italie, en Sicile, en poste, en diligence, en voiturin...((Mougin-Rusand, Lyons 1888), Aynard reproduced the parts of the journal devoted to the journey proper, with particular attention to the usages and customs of the cities visited by his grandfather.


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